Future Conflict Learning

Future conflicts will be less violent but more intense. A central feature will be the struggle for control of information systems and the achievement of ‘perception dominance’. A radical rethink of the nature of security-related education and training will be essential to meet the challenge. This was the verdict of three leading experts from the United States, India and Great Britain, when we asked them at Security and Defence Learning 2010 for their views on how conflict will develop and what the implications will be for training. Click here to watch our film on ‘Future Conflict and Learning’ with Col. Dr. Jeffrey McCausland, Col. Amardeep Bhardwaj and Chris Donnelly, CMG.
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New Security Learning contains news, features, interviews and comment columns, highlighting recent developments in ICT-enhanced learning and training for the security and defence sector. It provides a platform for discussion of key issues and a basis for cooperation, networking and the sharing of best practice.
The highlights of each upcoming edition are distributed in the form of a newsletter to over 10,000 of our key contacts holding leading positions in Ministries of Defence, Ministries of Interior and Education, Police Forces, Fire Services, Armed Forces, Emergency Planning, Resilience Authorities, EC (European Commission), NATO, ASEAN, UN, INTERPOL, OSCE, IMO (International Maritime Organisation), and many other international institutions and organisations. The complete content of the online magazine is now available free of charge on the New Security Learning website.
To view the latest edition of New Security Learning, please visit www.newsecuritylearning.com
- Opening Session
New threats and challenges - Session 1
New developments in training - Session 2
Shifts in security learning culture - Session 3
New security learning environments - Closing Session
New security learning environments
Click here to view the full programme
- Gp Capt Philip Sagar, Officer Commanding, Generic Education Training Centre
- Lt Gen (Ret) Andrew Graham, Former Director General, the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
- Major General Romuald Ratajczak, Rector Commandant, National Defence University, Poland
- Dr Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems & New Security Learning columnist
- Dr Harald Niggemann, Cyber Security Department, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Germany
- Jonathan Aitken, Writer, former prisoner and former UK Cabinet Minister