Defence & Security // The  International Forum on Technology Assisted Learning for Defence, Security and Emergency Services
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Security & Defence Learning, which is hosted by the New Security Foundation, which takes place every year in Berlin as an official pre-conference forum of ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, has established a reputation as one of Europe’s leading conferences on technology-assisted learning for security, defence and emergency services. The event brings together academics, professional practitioners, security specialists, government officials and representatives of private sector companies for a discussion of key issues. The conference is accompanied by an exhibition, which provides an opportunity for the demonstration of new systems, services and solutions.

SDL is an interdisciplinary forum which provides an opportunity for security professionals and providers of training packages from over 20 different countries to meet and exchange ideas, information and experience. Delegates include senior military, police and emergency services officers, as well as defence and security planners and representatives of leading private sector organisations.

The forum has been widely praised for the quality of presentations and discussion at the forum and for its intimacy and ‘excellent networking.’ Many participants at SDL are repeat visitors, who mark the date of the conference in their diary every year in order to meet up with old friends, make new contacts and keep up with the latest developments in the rapidly changing world of security and defence learning.

“Round-table, dinner and follow up networking were excellent. Keep up the fantastic work”

- Dale Sheehan, Director of Training and Development, INTERPOL

“I want to congratulate all the persons "behind the scene" and directly involved in this event - perfect organisation and conduct of the forum. Thank you.”

- Capt. Dr. Piotr Gawliczek of the National Defence University of Poland


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