Defence & Security // The  International Forum on Technology Assisted Learning for Defence, Security and Emergency Services
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This years Security & Defence Learning Forum will focus on the following key topics:

  1.  Change, Innovate, Learn
    • The Innovation Imperative
    • Security-related innovation for training
    • New challenges, new skills
    • Developing new solutions to overcome new threats
    • Education or training?
    • Learning how to learn
    • New learning for the old guard
    • Training the new trainers
    • Work, Learning and Life Balance
    • Flexible, Relevant and Authentic Pedagogical Approaches
    • Re-Thinking Assessment, Evaluation and Qualifications
    • Best Practice – What Worked Today Might not Tomorrow
    • The Role of the Learner and the Facilitator (e.g. Flipped Learning)
    • Informal Professional Development
    • Leadership and Talent Strategies to Drive Innovation
    • Rapid, Cost Effective Responses to Change
    • Accepting the Challenge of Failure

  2.  Tools to Transform Content and Practice
    • Publishing, but not as We Know It
    • The Power of Video and the Moving Image
    • Managing an Information Mass
    • SoLoMo – Social, Local, and Mobile
    • Developing skills for a digitised world
    • Language Learning for the Global Interconnected World
    • Collaborative Content Inspired by Collaborative Practice
    • The Open Movement and the Security Community
    • Adapting Content for New and Future Practices
    • The Creative Classroom in the security context
    • Web 3.0 – What Does This Mean in Reality?
    • Using Learner Created Content
    • Content Strategies to Transform Practice
    • Improving Quality Whilst Reducing Costs
    • Standards and Regulations
    • New pedagogies and learning methods

  3.  Which Environment, What Media?
    • Video – The New Language of Learning
    • Engaging with Games and Augmented Reality
    • The Social Networking Effect
    • Making the Most of ‘Mobile’
    • What Works in the Cloud?
    • Should we fear the Cloud?
    • Creating a Learner Centred Environment
    • Adapting to New and Future Media
    • The role of the private sector
    • Multinational and multi-sectoral collaborative environments
    • Managing Learning Environments
    • Immersive Learning – What Is Working and What Isn't

  4.  The New Lust for Learning – what it means for recruits and employers
    • Informal Learning Stimulates Motivation
    • Youth Mobility
    • Workforce Enablement
    • Cross Generational Engagement
    • Pre-training learning packages
    • Continuous in-service
    • The expansion of game-based learning
    • Supporting Performance at Work
    • Assessment and monitoring
    • Education for all

  5.  Technology Focus
    • Training needs and how technology can help
    • What is in the pipeline
    • Technology and future cost-benefit analysis
    • Technology and the learning mind


To submit a proposal on any of these subjects or to suggest another subject for discussion, please contact Dr. Yan St-Pierre at


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